Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Notice of Application Pause
All application submissions on the InfoReady platform are paused until late January or early February as SOMAR takes time to evaluate and develop a new system and process aimed at improving your user experience. We will announce when applications are open again and provide details on where to go and how to begin a new application.

This collection contains data about AI and social media or using AI platforms, such as ChatGPT.

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) 2 records found Search took 0.25 seconds. 
The rapid advancements in generative AI models present new opportunities in the education sector. However, it is imperative to acknowledge and address the potential risks [...]
26 September 2023 | Dataset |
The everyday consumption of household goods is a significant source of environmental pollution. As people increasingly shop online, this affords an opportunity to provide [...]
25 May 2023 | Dataset |

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